Galaxy SIII Owners: Make Google Voice Actions (and now Google Now) the Default Instead of S-Voice

*** UPDATE 12/20/12 *** While I'm still recommending Home2 Shortcut (easier on the eyes and more functionality), reports are coming in that Bluetooth Launcher will still work with 4.1.1.  Apparently you just need to select a different activity. Process is updated in the post, but I was unable to get it to work on either my or my wife's S3.

*** UPDATE 12/18/12 ***

Based on the comments and questions below, it appears that Blootooth Launcher does not work this way anymore with Android 4.1.1.  If someone figures out a way to make it work again, leave a comment and I'll update this page.

I now am recommending Home2 Shortcut for this getting direct access to Voice Search (which contains most of the original Voice Actions).

I found it over on XDA Developers and it can be found on the Play Store.  It allows you to set Home Double Press as well as other key combinations.  I found "Voice Search" under "Activities->Google", but YMMV.


Some of the more popular posts on this blog have had nothing to do with Event Technology per se, but rather have been tips and tricks that I myself found hard to find and decided to repost when I found the answer.

This is one of those posts!

I searched for a really long time to find a way to make Google Voice Actions, instead of  S-Voice, the default action when double pressing the Home key on my fancy new Samsung Galaxy SIII.  I just couldn't get S-Voice to do what I wanted it to do, and it was basically useless in the car.  Turns out there's a clever little workaround using a 3rd party app that isn't actually designed for that specific purpose!  The tip comes from Sorka over on Android Forums and is a great little workaround.  NO ROOT REQUIRED!!

Here's the trick:

  1. Download and Install "Bluetooth Launch" from the Google Play store.
  2. Open Bluetooth Launch and scroll down to "Voice Search". (*See update below*)
  3. Tap on it to expand it out, then select: "" (*Update* Some are reporting that on Android 4.1.1 you need to use this: "Google Search->"  I have been unable to verify)
  4. Exit by hitting the back key.
  5. Double click the home button.
  6. Select "Always complete using this activity"
  7. Select Bluetooth Launch.

You're Done!

Thanks again, Sorka, works like a charm, and there's a metric crapton of other options offered by Bluetooth Launcher.  Nice workaround!

Meanwhile everyone, how are you liking your S3?


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